Monday, February 15, 2021

What are these 'gigs' that you speak of?

Do you expect me to gig?

No, music industry, I expect you to die!

Who remembers gigs?

It has been so long that I can't even remember what standing shoulder-to-shoulder with other sweaty, inebriated humans while damaging my hearing is like. 

I mean, why do that when you could go hunting? Or ask the nanny to remind you of your children's names so you can pretend that you give a shit about them, however many there are?

I feel like the joy of communal experience translates better when you care at least a little bit about people other than yourself. We can't expect those who were raised to believe they were the centre of the universe and could do whatever they wanted to understand being crowded in a bar the size of a cupboard listening to people singing about 'problems.'

Hold tight, whatever we come out of this with we must use to rage against the machine. It might not understand us, but it needs to hear and feel us. 

The arts matter. Expression matters. We are not machines.

Use this.


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